Free and Found
/I have a blackboard at home where I keep some of my most effective weapons in my war against evil - especially addiction. Toward the top is this sentence, "’Lost and Bound’ looks and feels like ‘Free and Found’ - until it doesn't." It’s another way of saying that sometimes we act out because we have become convinced that it’s liberating and natural, but it’s just the opposite.
It reminds me how powerful the lies in my head are. They tell me that acting out will free me from my suffering and that it's just part of who I am. These lies have power because they are partly true. Indulging does free me from my suffering and it is human.
The problem is that it’s only true to a point. Indulging only hides and postpones my suffering and it’s emotionally and spiritually unnatural. Afterward, I don't need anyone to tell me that I'm less ‘Free and Found’. I’m just more ‘Lost and Bound’.
I have another sentence on my blackboard that reads, “Relax into Jesus. He’ll make you better, but you’ll always be enough.” If I'm seeking lasting, soul-lifting, powerful ‘Free and Found’, I’ve learned that I have one place to look: My Jesus. He frees me from suffering. He makes me who I really am.
So, to apply these powerful weapons, I surrender to Jesus. I reconnect with Him, I thank Him, I worship Him, I study Him, and I share Him. This can be hard because I don't want to rely on someone else. I want to do it myself. I want to be independent. It hurts and feels awkward almost every time I surrender to Him. It does, though, get easier and more natural and the rewards leave me rejoicing and hugging and serving and sharing.
Overcoming addiction requires a lot of weapons and tools, but for me, this is the elephant gun and ultimately, the nuclear option.
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.
Isaiah 55:1-2
What now?
Join me in looking for your true self and for your freedom in Jesus where they can be found. Invite Almighty Dad on a walk. See Him in the sunrise. Vent to Him in the car. Call out His name in your weakness and open your heart to His work in you.
By Ty, Writing Team