Bring the Hope - Become an Outsider
A passion we have is helping others as we have been helped. Our mission is to spread hope. One of the most impactful ways we can do that is to create access to real resources for those who struggle to afford it. By donating, you help fund our efforts and help fund scholarships for individuals and couples who need help.
By subscribing to donate monthly/annually, you become an Outsider. Outsiders are Bold, Accepted, and Unashamed. This comes with access to bonus content, first access to scholarships, and access to other special events we do.
We invite you to become an Outsider; helping spread hope in Christ and help make lasting change in the addiction battle!
We are a non-profit organization - 501 (c)(3) - and all donations are tax-deductible.
*A Monthly donation is automatically selected, choose your donation frequency before selecting an amount to avoid any discrepancies.*
Comments From Those Who Have RECEIVED scholarships From Donations
“Thanks for being a part of battling for my heart. Unashamed Unafraid have already changed my life. You have helped accelerate the recovery of my heart from sexual addiction. My life is different because of you.”
— Hayden, Recipient for A Warrior Heart Bootcamp
“There are no words in the english language grand enough to express the overflowing of gratitude in my heart for [Unashamed Unafraid]. Not only for your selfless generosity in paying for me to go to retreat, but also for your willingness to be so vulnerable in sharing your story.”
— Alicia, Recipient for The Heart of a Woman Retreat
“I have no words to express my feelings to you about the gift that you have given to me in coming to this retreat. I can honestly say your gift and this retreat saved my life. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate but thank you! Thank you!”
— Kristi, Recipient for The Heart of a Woman Retreat
“I loved retreat. I was feeling nervous on the way up, but as soon as the 1st song started playing, and the 1st presentation started my heart settled and I felt peace like I haven't in a while. It is a type of Heaven for me. desperately needed that break and I am so grateful. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of the team to make retreat a reality. They have my heart always.“
— Shanda, Recipient for The Heart of a Woman Retreat
“It’s overwhelming to even try to put it in words, because it was just so incredible. In short, I will say that the love I felt from God at retreat, and the truths He spoke to my heart, are life-changing. I’m so so grateful for the opportunity I had to go because of the generosity of others, thank you!!”
— Kaylee, Recipient for The Heart of a Woman Retreat
“Thank you from all of my heart for helping and supporting me financially and making it possible for me to attend Heart of a Woman. It is hard to express my love and gratitude for you in words. Thank you for getting me there! Thank you for being a part of my story. Thank you for making it all possible!”
— Mary, Recipient for The Heart of a Woman Retreat