/I heard this word in a context the other day that really resonated. They were talking about getting down to the contention that is driving us to continue to sin, act in an addiction, and/or give in to our weaknesses.
When I hear the word contention I think about the phrase from the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 11:29: “he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention.” Right?!? I mean I know that my unhealthy behaviors invite Satan in my life but recognizing that contention is His way of influencing me is PO-WER-FUL!!!
Another truth that can’t be omitted here is that conflict and contention are not synonymous. Conflict is all around. It’s unavoidable, and truly can be an amazing tool to foster things like new perspectives, change, and building common ground. Inner conflict happens within me, but it doesn’t have to become contention.
So what does resolving that inner contention look like? Well, what is the opposite of contention? I looked it up and found this list:
Good will
To me, this list summarizes exactly what I am seeking with my Heavenly Father and Savior through recovery.
What now? The next time I feel weak, I’m going to think about what the contention is that is fueling my weakness and then seek to invite agreement (or replace this word with any of this list of words above) into my life. I invite you to do the same.
Here are some example of what that looks like for me:
Approval - Of myself including my imperfections
Harmony - Seeking out music, nature or whatever else brings me harmony
Peace - Meditation, prayer, quiet time with God
Friendship - Connection with others I care for and trust
Consideration - Reaching out, helping and serving others
You catch my drift…so what are you doing to drive out your inner contention?
By Nicole, Writing Team