Finding What Was Lost

I have been singing my entire life, ever since I can remember. I sang the National Anthem at sporting events. I joined elite choirs all through middle, high school, and college. It has always been a major part of my identity. My high school yearbooks have numerous signatures that all say, “Never stop singing!” And I remember thinking, “What a weird thing to say. Of course I’ll never stop.” 

Well, along came addiction, trauma recovery, major depressive disorder, anxiety, etc. One day I looked up and realized that I had stopped singing. I even stopped singing in the car. Somehow, this part of me was lost. Gradually, over the course of 6 years, I had gone silent. 

Addiction stole many things from me. So much time, energy, money, and mental space was wasted in my attempts to numb and hide from my pain. Starting in elementary school and all through college, music was the one thing that made me feel alive. It was where I felt God, where I felt community, and where I felt my life had purpose. 

But then in 2019, I dropped out of college for a while. My mental health couldn’t keep up (we’re talking about everything from undiagnosed ADHD to newly discovered repressed childhood trauma). That was the year I hit rock bottom. 

So many things weighed on me every moment of the day: I need a better job, how am I going to pay my bills? How am I going to keep up with the job I have? I need to finish my online class so I can finally graduate, I’m too depressed to get out of bed today, I have too much anxiety to go into work, I’m too tired from staying up late watching porn all night, I need to exercise more, I need to lose weight, I’m never getting married, I’m a failure, I’m worthless, I don’t matter, I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve to be here. 

That girl, who was so lost in shame, has no space to think about joining a choir. That girl was buried and suffocating under an avalanche. And somehow, God found her. Little by little, and over the course of many years, He dug me out. He used friends, good therapists, mentors, and other people in my life to buoy me up. He began repairing my broken heart. I started to hear His voice in the music I listened to, and that voice reminded me of my worth. 

My years of recovery have been some of the hardest years of my life. Looking back, I see now that what I thought was an avalanche was more like a cocoon. Through the pain and heartaches of life, God has transformed me and now I’m gradually entering a phase of thriving. He is calling to my heart and reminding me of who I am, and the goodness I’m meant to bring to this world and to myself. 

Early 2022 is when I realized I had stopped singing. Ever since then, I knew I had to change something, so I started small. Every week, spending an hour and a half in the car, driving to my group therapy with James and Steven, I would sing. No podcasts, no instrumental, no rap. I had a playlist of songs in my vocal range that I would sing at the top of my lungs. 

This year, my New Year’s resolutions center around things that make my heart come alive. One of my goals is to join an audition-only choir. January 11th, 2023, I auditioned for a competitive community choir, singing scales and sight reading for the first time in years. It was terrifying and my skills were definitely rusty, but I felt my heart come alive and I felt so proud of myself for trying. I knew that, even if I didn’t get in, I was worth the effort of trying and I would try and try again.

In the dark and all alone, growing comfortable
Are you too scared to move and walk out of this tomb?
Buried underneath, the lies that you believed
Safe and sound, stuck in the ground
Too lost to be found
You're just asleep and it's time to leave
Come on and rise up, take a breath, you're alive now
Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us
Out from the grave like Lazarus
You're brand new, the power of death couldn't hold you
Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us
Out from the grave like Lazarus
Rise up
Out from the grave like Lazarus
-Rise Up (Lazarus) by Cain

PS. I made it! If you are interested in attending my choir concerts and you find yourself in the Provo, UT area, follow @wasatchchorale for more information. I’d love to see you there!

So where do we go from here? Maybe, choir is not the thing that makes your heart come alive. But what does? Spend some time this week discovering what makes your heart come alive. Here are some questions you can ask yourself while discussing this with the expert inside you.

  1. What makes your stomach have butterflies from the anticipation, excitement and fear of doing that one thing?

  2. What did you used to think about non stop before addiction took that away from you?

  3. What makes you happy before, during and after the experience?

  4. What brings you the connection with Heavenly Father lets you see His heart too?

Once you have figured out what makes your heart come alive (the adventure) we would love
for you to post it in the comments below, on the Unashamed Facebook page or whatever social media platform you use.

By Cassy, Social Media Team


I heard this word in a context the other day that really resonated. They were talking about getting down to the contention that is driving us to continue to sin, act in an addiction, and/or give in to our weaknesses.

When I hear the word contention I think about the phrase from the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 11:29: “he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention.” Right?!? I mean I know that my unhealthy behaviors invite Satan in my life but recognizing that contention is His way of influencing me is PO-WER-FUL!!!

Another truth that can’t be omitted here is that conflict and contention are not synonymous. Conflict is all around. It’s unavoidable, and truly can be an amazing tool to foster things like new perspectives, change, and building common ground. Inner conflict happens within me, but it doesn’t have to become contention.
So what does resolving that inner contention look like? Well, what is the opposite of contention? I looked it up and found this list:

  • Agreement

  • Approval

  • Harmony

  • Peace

  • Authorization

  • Compliment

  • Concurrence

  • Friendship

  • Kindness

  • Praise

  • Ratification

  • Affection

  • Consideration

  • Friendliness

  • Good will

  • Sympathy

To me, this list summarizes exactly what I am seeking with my Heavenly Father and Savior through recovery.

What now? The next time I feel weak, I’m going to think about what the contention is that is fueling my weakness and then seek to invite agreement (or replace this word with any of this list of words above) into my life. I invite you to do the same.

Here are some example of what that looks like for me:

Approval - Of myself including my imperfections
Harmony - Seeking out music, nature or whatever else brings me harmony
Peace - Meditation, prayer, quiet time with God
Friendship - Connection with others I care for and trust
Consideration - Reaching out, helping and serving others

You catch my drift…so what are you doing to drive out your inner contention?

By Nicole, Writing Team

God is Calling For An Adventure

It’s almost mid January and statistically most New Year’s resolutions are broken or never made. Big lofty goals made while taking time off of work and potentially hung over from all the sugar and heavy food of the Holidays often wilt quickly in the heat of returning to work, getting kids off to school, or whatever your “normal” for life resumption is that flattens your resolve to change. 
There are many years in my life where I have merely existed as a bench warmer at church, in my career, my marriage, as a father, and with my walk with God. Showing up, but not invested. Going through the motions but without intention. Another year slips by and I look at what I wanted to accomplish and have seen little evidence of any progress forward. 

Our older Brother understands this well: "people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me (Matt 15:8)" God loves adventure and He loves forward motion because He wants us to inherit everything He has but knows for us to enjoy and understand it, we must learn it. Afterall, He created everything from volcanoes and asteroids to flowers and birds. 

Look at any of the prophets and apostles of the Bible and they all have something in common – they were living a life of mediocrity when God called them on an adventure. Moses was 40 and hanging out at his Father-in-law's house, Joseph was the spoiled youngest child living in a lap of luxury while his brothers were out working for a living, David was of a similar age as Joseph and a sheep herder far from the front lines of battle, Paul was a zealous rule follower, Peter was a mediocre fisherman. 

Former airline pilot and spiritual leader Dieter F. Uctdorf shared in October 2019: "If you hesitate in this adventure because you doubt your ability, remember that discipleship is not about doing things perfectly; it’s about doing things INTENTIONALLY. It is your choices that show what you truly are, far more than your abilities."

God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And today He is calling you and me on an adventure with our imperfections, hesitations, fear and timidity and all! 

What now? Begin praying to God to reveal His next adventure to you. Ask if you are living your larger story. Ask your friends and family where they have seen or currently see adventure in your life and don’t be afraid to make a leap of faith to follow God. Need additional help? There are several Warrior Heart Boot Camp weekends coming up to help you unlock your adventure for men and Heart of a Woman Retreat weekends for women. 

By Pete, Writing Team