EP 110: Matt and Natalie's Story

Matt and Natalie were high school sweethearts, but unknown by her, Matt had been struggling with pornography since he was a boy. His struggles continued through high school and a church mission, and into their marriage, but he had never shared any of this with his parents, church leaders, or with Natalie.

After their first year of marriage, she opened up to him about a childhood of sexual abuse, and Matt began a very slow process of disclosure to her… a process that lasted the next twelve years.  

He lived with intense feelings of shame and felt as though he was “nothing.” After thirteen difficult years of marriage, and some months of separation, Matt was given the choice of divorce or in-house treatment at Desert Solace, in St. George, Utah. He chose Desert Solace. Those ninety days changed his relationship with himself, with God, and with his wife. He brought a new energy to their marriage as they began a journey of real and lasting recovery.

Matt and Natalie’s story is a reminder of the possibility of transformation, real change, and renewed connection possible in recovery. We are reminded that there are no accidents, and everything in their journey has brought them to where they are now: coaches working with others who are facing the same struggles as they did. You can find them at truthrisingcoaching.com.