Overcoming the Alone-ment
/My heart aches for those who are struggling with isolation. Trapped in despair and feeling that you are all alone in your struggles is a terrible place to be. I speak from much experience. My stubborn refusal to feel worthy of the love of God and others has brought me great sadness.
I am currently in an unplanned career transition - I was recently laid off from my job. I’ve been through this twice before. The two previous times were filled with despair, frustration, anxiety, and depression that I thought would crush me completely.
Now, as I’m going through it again, I have the PTSD of past fears resurfacing, but they don’t last very long. I no longer have a daily binge of acting out in various addictive behaviors and that helps, but what makes ALL the difference is that I’m also not trying to do it alone.
A friend shared this term - Alonement - from a guest on the Leading Saints podcast. It is the opposite of Christ’s Atonement where God sacrificed everything in His power to save me. The Alonement is shacked with the chains of Hell, self loathing, suffocating solitude. It states that I am nothing and so I’m not worth being loved.
I connected with this term because it illustrates my past. But it is not a part of my present and I don’t plan to let it play any role in my future.
This time as I’m going through deja vu, people are reaching out to me. The many hours I have invested in others is paying dividends. I never put forward the effort with any expectation of a return, but what a great return it is.
In Graham Cooke’s The Inheritance, he states (speaking in the language of God),
“And you may love Me back with the love that I give you.
You may love Me back outrageously with the outrageous love that I bestow upon you.
And know this, you can only love Me as much as you love yourself.”
The greatest of commandments are to love God and to love others as we love ourselves. And I’ve only been able to love myself as I’ve learned to let go of the ”gods of this world” and embrace my Eternal Father who sees me as His little kid, and loves me 100% as I am right now.
As I accept that, I am able to love others with the same love. And my life is that much better for it all.
By Pete, Writing Team